Saturday, April 23, 2005

Child Molester

It's been a graphic subject. I think almost everyone think it's very bad. I must feel the same way also. It's never being nice. But what if I place myself in their position. Is it a compulsory? Is it a disease? Is it an behaviour disceprancy? But I also have to place myself in a victim place (been there) so I condemned them. I still think how could they do something like that? It's so gross. Well, I need to hear from other people too, what do they think about this. It's one of the big issue for me. Should they be banished? Or how could we even close our eyes in something like that? They is one of the biggest business in the world. It could produce even more than tourism itself. Why such thing must exist in this world? What can I say? Maybe I want to help about it someday.


Blogger Charlie Hendrawan said...

Loh ini tentang apa ya mike... kayanya mengacu ke sesuatu...? hmm

5:06 PM

Blogger Mike said...

Yes, it's certainly about something that not very common in our life. But it's happening so I should tell people about it.

10:02 PM


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