Monday, February 07, 2005

The Phantom of The Opera

It is a great film. I really enjoy it. I don't know why but I just like it, and it's even better beyond my expectation.


Blogger Bie said...

Gara2 that gay republican guy kali.. Huihihihihih..

Eventhough Simon Callow struck me by surprise [he's quite good], for me, I don't like it. Butler screwed everything up..

5:41 PM

Blogger Mike said...

It's clearly not because of him. No need to say, it was a good film. I wish it could do much better in Oscar. Alas I think Ray and The Aviator is much more over credited.

1:24 PM

Blogger Bie said...

eh.. menu post comment di blogger baru..!! Asik bisa make tag!!

no no no, I mean. Gue bilang sih Patrick Wilson jauh di atas harapan gue, dan bisa aja jadi salah satu faktor yang bikin gue suka ini film. hmm.. gue pikir gue nulis sesuatu tentang phantom di blog tapi ternyata nggak ya.

as I enjoyed Emmy, Simon, Patrick and DEFINITELY Minnie.. I LOATHE Gerard for messing everything up. Dan itu gak bisa ilang dari pikiran gue, soalnya dia kan tokoh utama..

It was good music, talents, art. But as a movie, nah, es gefällt mir nicht. Seperti keraguan gue, apa yang bisa dia tawarkan lebih dari Moulin Rouge! setelah kemiripan settingnya? Ternyata gak banyak.

Ah well, what do I know. I'm not supposed to talk obsessively bout movies anyway. Huhuhuhuhu..

Oscar? Wah ndak tau ya.. Gak ngarti, tuh.. Huehaueuaehuaueuae..

test tagHuehaeuhauehuaheauhe..

10:04 PM


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