Friday, February 25, 2005

It's so disgusting

How could a man pay $10.000 to have sex with a five month old baby? How sick is he? What and as@$X$^%&!!!!!!! It strucked me even harder. Well, maybe it's a bad behaviour. I think it's a very bad behaviour.

Survivor 1002

4. Ashlee Ashby (6-2)

The second person voted out from the Ulong Tribe. 16 left to go.

Reward Challenge : The Gauntlet
Winner : Ulong Tribe

Immunity Challenge : Heads Up
Winner : Koror Tribe

My choice for Academy Award 2005

Best Picture : Sideways
Million Dollar Baby
Best Actor : Jamie Foxx - Ray
Best Actress : Hillary Swank - Million Dollar Baby
Best Supporting Actor : Clive Owen - Closer
Morgan Freeman - Million Dollar Baby
Best Supporting Actress : Natalie Portman - Closer
Cate Blanchett - The Aviator
Best Director : Sideways
Million Dollar Baby
Best Original Screenplay : Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Best Adapted Screenplay : Sideways

Best Cinematography : The Phantom of The Opera
The Aviator
Best Costume : Lemony Snicket's A Series of The Unfortunate Events
The Aviator
Best Art Direction : The Phantom of The Opera
The Aviator
Best Editing : The Aviator

Best Make Up : The Passion of Christ
Lemony Snicket's A Series of The Unfortunate Events
Best Original Score : Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Finding Neverland
Best Original Song : Learn to be Lonely - The Phantom of The Opera
The Other Side of The River - The Motorcycle Diaries
Best Sound : The Incredibles
Best Sound Editing : The Incredibles
Best Visual Effect : Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Spider-Man 2
Best Foreign Language Film : The Sea Inside - Spain
Best Animated Film : The Incredibles

Well, let's see who will get it.

I got 8 now. It's better choice. Well, will see for the next award.

American Idol Result Week 1.

I can't believe they didn't vote for Melinda and Judd. What were they thinking?

Okay here who won't be joining us for next week in American Idol.

11. Judd Harris
12. Jared Yates

11. Sarah Mather
12. Melinda Lira

The Girls Week 1

My List for this week.

1. Carrie Underwood
2. Melinda Lira
3. Lindsey Cardinale
4. Nadia Turner
5. Aloha Mischeaux
6. Vonzell Solomon
7. Celina Rae
8. Amanda Avila
9. Jessica Sierra
10. Mikalah Gordon
11. Janay Castine
12. Sarah Mather

The Boys Week 1

My list of boys from the top which I think had the great performance to the bottom two who I think should be vote out. Well that's include the girls too.

1. Judd Harris
2. Mario Vasquez
3. Joseph Murena
4. Anthony Fedorov
5. Anwar Robinson
6. Bo Bice
7. Nikko Smith
8. Constantine Maroulis
9. Travis Tucker
10. Scott Savol
11. Jared Yates
12. David Brown

Monday, February 21, 2005

24 Contestant in American Idol

Well, it's 2005 a new season for American Idol. It's the fourth installment. They are now 12 boy and 12 girl. I have no idea why they seperate them into boy and girl this season.

1. Anthony Fedorov
2. Anwar Robinson
3. Bo Bice
4. Constantine Maroulis
5. David Brown
6. Jared Yates
7. Joseph Murena
8. Judd Haris
9. Mario Vasquez
10. Nikko Smith
11. Scott Savol
12. Travis Tucker

1. Aloha Mischeaux
2. Amanda Avila
3. Carrie Underwood
4. Celena Rae Batchelor
5. Janay Castine
6. Jessica Sierra
7. Lindsey Cardinale
8. Melinda Lira
9. Mikalah Gordon
10. Nadia Turner
11. Sarah Mather
12. Vonzell Solomon

Well, we'll see them this week. Hope they will give the best. Simon said that it will be the best season of all.

Survivor 1001

There were three casualities in this episode.

1. Jonathan Libby
2. Wanda Shirk

Two were outed because they weren't picked in the tribe by other members. The winner of first Immunity Challenge is Jolanda and Ian. They had to pick others members of their tribe of the opposite sex. The chosen one will picked another opposite sex and the last two people wh weren't picked will be voted out. So 18 left to go.

Ulong Tribe : Jolanda, Bobby Jon, Stephenie, Angie, Jeff, Ibrehem, Kimberly, James, Ashlee.

Koror Tribe : Ian, Katie, Tom, Janu, Gregg, Jennifer, Coby, Caryn, Willard.

3. Jolanda Jones (6-3)

The first person to be voted out by Ulong tribe. So 17 left to go.

Immunity and Reward Challenge : Supply Dump
Winner : Koror Tribe

Thursday, February 17, 2005

A New Team of The Amazing Race

It will be 11 new teams in The Amazing Race 7. It will be started in first of March. Can't wait for it at all.

1. Alex - Lynn
2. Amber - Rob
3. Bianca - Debbie
4. Brian - Greg
5. Chuck - Ryan
6. Deana - Ray
7. Gretchen - Meredith
8. Heidi - Megan
9. Joyce - Uchenna
10. Kelly - Ron
11. Patrick - Susan

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Amazing Race 611

Country : China
Eliminated : Aaron - Hayden
First Place : Jon - Kris
Mike's Detour : Spray
Mike's Roadblock : Yes

Country : China - USA
First Place : Freddy - Kendra
Second Place : Jon - Kris
Third Place : Adam - Rebecca
Mike's Detour : Outkits
Mike's Roadblock : No

It's the end of this season. Will be back for another season in the first of March. I hope it will be a good one, there are Rob and Amber from Survivor and others who I would love to see them.

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Phantom of The Opera

It is a great film. I really enjoy it. I don't know why but I just like it, and it's even better beyond my expectation.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Amazing Race 610

Country : Sri Lanka - China
Eliminated : None (The last non-elimination round)
First Place : Hayden - Aaron
Mike's Yield : Freddy - Kendra
Mike's Roadblock : Hell NO.
Mike's Detour : Ices